Mentoring & Coaching Software For All Types of Uses

PLD is supplier to more than a 1,000,000 users. Our extensive client list includes the NHS, government departments, chambers of commerce, charities, corporations, schools, colleges and universities.

  • Beazley Logo
  • Used and trusted in NHS trusts
  • HM Government G-Cloud Supplier
  • Royal College of General Practitioners Logo
  • The Institute of Leadership & Management
  • Orange Logo
  • The Prince's Responsible Business Network Logo
  • Gallagher Logo
  • CIPD Logo
  • Chartered Management Institute Logo
  • DVSA Logo
  • ICE Logo
  • CSP Logo

Whether it's...

  • Coaching
  • Career Mentoring
  • Continuing Profession
  • Development (CPD)
  • Reverse Mentoring
  • Affinity or Diversity mentoring
  • Peer-to-Peer mentoring
  • High potential mentoring
  • Outreach mentoring
  • Onboarding/Returners mentoring
  • Virtual Mentoring
  • or Membership mentoring...
two cartoon people standing next to each other

PLD Mentoring Software is customisable to seamlessly integrate with your existing platforms. Easy to implement to help you quickly achieve the best possible results.

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What are the different uses of coaching and mentoring?


Coaching is a personalised process aimed at helping individuals achieve specific goals and maximise their potential. It involves a trained coach who facilitates self-discovery and growth through goal-oriented conversations. Coaching can be used for personal development, career advancement, leadership improvement, and various life transitions. Its benefits include increased self-awareness, enhanced performance, improved communication, and empowerment to take control of one's life.

person running over lightbulbs


Mentoring is a professional relationship in which an experienced individual (mentor) provides guidance, support, and knowledge to a less-experienced person (mentee). It typically involves sharing expertise, advice, and insights to help the mentee develop skills, knowledge, and personal growth. Mentoring is commonly used for career development, where mentors assist mentees in setting and achieving career goals, navigating workplace challenges, and gaining industry-specific knowledge. It can also be employed for personal growth, entrepreneurship, leadership development, and skill enhancement, fostering a dynamic exchange of wisdom and experience between mentor and mentee.

Many mentoring and coaching relationships are now conducted virtually and our platform can facilitate this. Virtual mentoring and coaching makes use of online resources which include video, email & phone. This is a great way to match the right mentor with a mentee when geographically separated or when conflicting schedules make it difficult to meet face-to-face.

It's ideal when you have many individuals who work remotely, in different locations, and need to build connections and access support. That's why PLD's mentoring and coaching platform is designed to easily facilitate long distance, remote, virtual mentoring and coaching.

The Many Uses & Available Types of Mentoring Options, Explained...

Career mentoring is mentoring that focuses on helping mentees advance their careers and is closely aligned to Continuing Professional Development (CPD), the ongoing process of developing and maintaining professional skills. Career mentors help mentees develop their skills and knowledge. For example, a mentor might help a mentee develop their networking skills or their public speaking skills. They might also help them to find resources that can help them with their career development.
person building career from bricks
person holding cyber essentials certificate
Leadership mentoring is one of the most popular uses of our mentoring software. It enables members to support each other's career development, continuous professional development, expand their networking opportunities, transfer knowledge, develop skills and be supported throughout their professional studies.
Reverse mentoring is where the mentor is younger and less experienced than the mentee but has skills and knowledge the mentor lacks and therefore can learn. Reverse mentoring can be beneficial for both parties, as the mentor can learn from the mentee's insights and perspectives while the mentee benefits from the mentor's guidance and experience.

Diversity mentoring focuses on a particular identity group, such as women, minorities, or individuals that identify asLGBTQ+.

PLD's mentoring platform is designed to facilitate Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) by helping mentees connect with mentors who share their experiences and can provide them with support and guidance.

Peer-to Peer mentoring enables individuals working at a similar job level or career stage, even if in a different function or industry, to connect for:

  • supporting one another through similar challenges,
  • gaining alternative perspectives on job approaches,
  • sharing experiences to lend insights for problem-solving.

Peer to Peer mentoring brings individuals together who face similar challenges. They relate to each other's strains and obstacles. When participants offer advice and learn from each other in a positive and productive way, collaborative learning, problem-solving, and teamwork are promoted. Results are elevated.

High potential mentoring is geared to develop the talent and leadership qualities of exceptional individuals within your organisation. PLD's mentoring platform provides the guidance and support needed to develop and nurture your organisation's "talent" — thus ensuring a robust leadership pipeline.
Outreach mentoring encourages potential new talent to consider a career in your organisation or industry. The PLD platform helps you connect with schools or universities who can refer individuals interested in career opportunities within your field. It provides structure that enables them to navigate the entrance pathways for getting started.
people sitting around table with ideas
two people holding a sign with a certificate inside it

Onboarding/Returners mentoring supports returning or newly joining individuals. Recruiting new staff can be costly. That's why it makes good sense to provide mentoring support to ease new and returning employees into their roles. Mentors provide that support needed to get mentees up to speed on everything from company culture to proprietary functions as quickly as possible.

This helps ensure engagement AND significantly improves retention. The best type(s) of mentoring for your organisation will depend on your individual needs and goals. To find out if mentoring software is right for your organisation, take our quick 3 minute quiz or book a free demo.

PLD Coaching Software matches coaches with the right coach to unlock potential, maximise performance, and build their self-esteem. Specialised tools for goal setting and problem-solving are provided. Coaches more quickly reach their desired outcomes in areas such as leadership and career development.

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The 5 Stages of Mentoring

PLD Mentoring Software walks you seamlessly and easily through the following 5 stages of mentoring:

Onboarding and Matching

Stage one helps you understand the nuances of what mentoring actually involves. It focuses on maximising the benefits for both mentor and mentee.


Stage two involves analysing the mentees needs and challenges – and setting goals.

All of the tools and resources to support mentees in this analysis and goal setting process areprovided by the PLD mentoring platform. This stage helps ensure mentees are primed and ready for their first conversation with their prospective mentor.

person holding sign with certificate

First Conversation

This critical third stage involves getting to know each other. Here's where the foundation for the mentoring relationship is established. In this stage the mentor and mentee agree on the terms of the relationship.

Decisions are made regarding:

  • frequency of meetings
  • the duration of the relationship
  • and the confidentiality of the discussions

PLD's mentoring software provides the tools to:

  • schedule meetings
  • send reminders
  • and maintain the privacy & security of the relationship.


Stage four is about providing support and guidance to the mentee to help them achieve their goals and develop their skills.

The platform provides the tools to record discussion points, action points and progress towards goals. PLD's mentoring software tracks and collects data on the history and progress of each mentoring relationship. This makes it easier to evaluate the effectiveness and make improvements to the mentoring program over time.

Closure and Celebration

This final stage is about ending the mentoring relationship. The PLD platform's record-keeping feature helps the mentor and mentee reflect on their time together and celebrate their accomplishments.

person waving flag

Whether your organisation is large or small, PLD's mentoring platform provides the features you'll need to ensure success.

Our Flat Fee Site License for Unlimited Platform Users with no hidden costs means your program starts out affordable – and will stay affordable! matter how many people you add!

You'll come for our competitive pricing and stay for our customer service.

Find out if mentoring software is right for you.     Take Our 3 Minute Quiz

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It might be the best 3 minute investment you'll make all year!
And, if you already know mentoring software is right for you, then   Book a Demo